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dimanche 13 novembre 2022

Symphony for a Deadly Throne The Mousai par E.J. Mellow

From award-winning author E. J. Mellow comes the third and final installment in the Mousai series, following a young woman torn between the man she loves and the kingdom she calls home.

Within the world of Aadilor sits the hidden Thief Kingdom, a land overflowing with magic and mayhem. There the Mousai, a trio of deadly sorceresses, serve the reclusive Thief King, delivering punishment and pleasure to the masses.

Arabessa Bassette is the leader of the Mousai, conducting their powerful gifts with unyielding precision. But behind her mask of control burns a desire to forge her own path—along with a tumultuous relationship with Zimri D’Enieu, her father’s right hand and the man who’s held her heart since they were children. When an unexpected invitation to vie for the Thief King’s throne pulls her into a deadly competition, Arabessa’s composure cracks as she finds herself with an impossible choice—give up her greatest love or her greatest ambition.

But sacrifices loom large in the Thief Kingdom, for the quest for power always comes at a price. With her and Zimri’s future hanging in the balance, Arabessa must decide if she’s willing to pay it.

Welcome to the world of Aadilor, where love is found between cracks and the most mesmerizing symphonies carry lethal notes. Dare to play?

Je tiens à préciser que mon avis reste objectif, comme toujours. Il s'agit certes d'un envoi, mais j'ai pour principe de reste objective et impartiale, par respect pour moi-même et pour l'éditeur. Un grand merci tout particulier à Netgalley pour cet envoi. Maintenant que tout cela est précisé, passons à la critique :)

Voici les deux premières couvertures des tomes précédents:

La saga Mousai est vraiment une série coup de cœur. Hélas, celle-ci est maintenant finie, vous connaissez cette sensation de non, c’est la fin, j’en veux plus, ici, c’est exactement ce que j’ai ressenti. J’ai vraiment accroché avec les différents personnages de cette série.
Chaque opus suit l’histoire des trois sœurs et il faut dire que la plume de l’auteur fait que les livres se dévorent très facilement. Et je sais de quoi je parle, étant française, il n’est pas toujours évident de lire assez rapidement un livre en anglais, mais ce n’est pas le cas pour cette série. 

« You, Arabessa are the most interesting creature I have yet met as well as the most contrary. It’s thoroughly enjoyable to watch you smile but know that you’re actually quite outraged. Or see you paste on an expression of indifference when nothing but the sweetest scent of joy lifts from you. You see-he leaned forward conspiratorially – ‘you may not share your thoughts, but feel tem you certainly so, and loudly’ 

J’ai apprécié le fait de revoir les trois sœurs ensemble durant cet ouvrage, les intrigues étaient bien menées, la romance était présente, mais ne prenait pas le pas sur l’histoire. 

“You have to be in control, Arabessa, he had said. It is not you in those moments. Not your feelings, not your wants. It is your people’s wants. Your kingdom’s feelings. You must make personal sacrifices every day. Every grain falls you wear a crown.”

L’amour sans fin de Zimri, des choix, des sacrifices de l’espoir le tout entremêlé dans une histoire bien ficelée que demander de plus.

"They are Bassettes, and Bassettes have greatness within even without the lost gods’ gifts”.

Zimri watched Niya and Larkyra slip from their seats to go to their father. They wrapped themselves around his large form. Dolion held them in return, not attempting to wipe free the tears escaping down his cheek."

 Voici une fin telle que je l'attendais. Un réel bon moment, un ouvrage plus que parfait .

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